Creating PD Quick Events for the keypad

Modified on 2013/03/04 15:46 by Josh — Categorized as: Uncategorized

Create your Pregnant and Empty Quick Events

1. Go to Administration > Quick Events
2. Click on New Quick Event
2. Name your QE (Pregnant), Choose the Type (Pregnancy) and Result (Pregnant)
3. Choose the option Prompt for Days Pregnant if you want MilkHub to work out your calving dates. Staff will be prompted to input the number of days the cow is pregnant
4. Click Save Changes
5. Go back up to New Quick Event
6. Name your QE (Empty), Choose the Type (Pregnancy) and Result (Empty)
7. Click Save Changes

Activate them on the keypad

1. Go to Administration > Keypad Setup
2. Choose the correct keypad from the drop down list
3. Under the PD heading, click Change
4. Click on the arrow next to Pregnancy and select your Pregnant and Empty Quick Events
5. Click Apply