Adding a Drug

Modified on 2013/04/24 11:24 by Moon — Categorized as: Uncategorized

The procedure for setting up your drug treatments is very straight forward, and it can be assigned to the keypad at the same time. This means that the drug is available for use in the shed. Please check that the correct withholdings and time between treatments is added. You will also need to the check that the drug Quick Event criteria is set up correcly.

Adding a Drug to the Drug Cupboard

The example below looks at adding the drug "Mastalone".

1. Go to Administration > Manage Drug Cupboard
2. Click Add Drug on the right hand side
3. Enter the following details:

Display Name: The name you want to see online
Drug / Treatment: Select the drug from the drop-down list
Milk Withhold (hours): The prescribed milk withhold period for the drug
Meat Withhold (days): The prescribed meat withhold period for the drug
Retreatment Delay (hours): The time between treatments (for one-off drugs set this to No Retreatment)
Condition Normally Treated: What the drug is for
Default Amount Per Dose: How much of the drug is administered (only use for drugs that do not have different doses per cow)

4. At the confirmation box, click Add to Cupboard.
5. Another confirmation box will appear, asking if you want to Assign the drug to the keypad. Optional: At this point you are able to amend the name of the drug that you would like to see in the shed. If you have a 5 character display this name must be limited to 5 characters (Eg. Orbenin LA can show as "ORBLA")
6. Click Yes Please.

Checking the Quick Event setup

At this point you merely need to check that your in-shed setup is correct for the drug you just added. You do not have to add the drug again.

1. Go to Administration -> Quick Events.
2. Find the drug you just added (Eg "Mastalone") and select the checkbox on the left. Now check the setup:

Name: The name you want to see on the screen
Type: Treatment
Drug: The name of the drug
Diagnosis: Condition this drug treats
Dose: Common dosage
Prompt for Quarter: Select if you want the system to prompt you for a quarter
Apply Withholds: Select if you want the system to apply the prescribed withholds
Retreat Reminder: Select if you want the system to remind you to retreat for this drug
Alerts: See below:
Retreat Reminder: "Add New" or Double click in the square to check the retreatment period
Milk Withhold: "Add New" or Double click in the square to check the milk withhold period
Meat Withhold: "Add New" or Double click in the square to check the meat withhold period
Groups: "Add New" or Double click in the square to amend the group membership for this treatment
Inputs: "Add New" or Double click in the square to amend any further information the staff need to enter in the shed for this treatment
3. When you're done, click Save Changes.

Please observe normal practice of marking and keeping your withholding mob separate from the main milking mob. MilkHub does not take responsibility for withholding and risk of drugs in the milk pickup.