Setting up heats for in-shed recording

Modified on 2013/03/04 15:56 by Josh — Categorized as: Uncategorized

It can be useful to monitor observed heats and record them in-shed prior to the planned start of mating.
You can then create submission groups at mating time, and easily identify non-cyclers for automatic drafting and vet checks prior to PSM.

There are two ways of entering heats into MilkHub. You can set up the keypad for in-shed recording or you can go online and enter your heats directly into miHub.

Part 1: Setting up in-shed heat recording
Part 2: Recording heats online
Part 3: Looking at Heats

Part 1: Setting up Heats in miHub

1. Go to Administration > Quick Events
2. Click on New Quick Event
3. Enter Quick Event Details:
Name: Type in Heat
Type: Click the dropdown arrow and select Mating
Mating Type: Click the dropdown arrow and select Heat
4. If you want to add this cow to an existing group or create a new group go to Groups on the right and click Add New on the far right. A box called Assign Groups will open
5. If creating a new group click Add to New Group
Name: Give the group a name
Color: Select the colour you want. This will appear on your broadcast screen with the first two letters of the Group Name to help you see it easily
Description:Add a description
5. Click Confirm
6. Click Save Changes

Setting up Heats on the Keypad

Now that the heat has been set up you need to assign the Heat Quick Event to the AB Key on the keypad so you can use it in-shed.

1. Go to Administration > Keypad Setup
2. Go to the AB panel and click Change
3. Click Mating and select Heat
4. Click Apply

The "Heat" Quick Event that you have set up will now appear in-shed under the AB key on the broadcast screen.