Recording heats online

Record observed heats prior to the planned start of mating to help you track your submission rate and identify non-cyclers for vet checks.
There are two ways of entering heats into MilkHub. You can set up the keypad for in-shed recording or you can go online and enter your heats directly into miHub as shown below. Make sure your Heats are set up as a Quick Event for the keypad if you wish to record heats in-shed (Part 1).

Part 1: Setting up heats for in-shed recording
Part 2: Recording heats in miHub
Part 3: Find non-cycling cows

Part 2: Recording Heats in miHub

1. Go to Herd Management > Scratchpad
2. Click on Type a list instead and enter the cow numbers you want
3. Click Apply
4. Click the box beside Actions to select all
5. Click Actions > Record Matings
6. On the Record Matings or Heats page enter Mating Details:
Select mating date: Enter the date dd/mm/yy or click on the calendar and select
Mating Type: Select heat Detected
7. Click the Select All button on the top right of the grid or click on each tile to select
8. Click Create Events
9. Click Confirm

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