Rule Based Groups

There are preset cow groups already built into MiHub. You can find these from the dropdown list below Which Cows? in the Scratch Pad.

MiHub Rule Based Groups

All Cows All current cows on the farm
Current Cows Cows recorded in MiHub that have not been removed
Born 2009 Current cows born in 2009
Born 2010 Current cows born in 2010
Born 2011 Current cows born in 2011
Born 2012 Current cows born in 2012
Born 2013 Current cows born in 2013
Born 2014 Current cows born in 2014
Born 2015 Current cows born in 2015
Colostrum Current cows with start of season less than 5 days ago (from sensor data)
Dried Off Current cows which have calved in the past, but are now dried off
Due to Calve Current cows due to calve in the next 14 days
Empty Current cows which have been recorded in MiHub or on keypad as Empty (not pregnant)
Milkers Current cows recorded as calved and not yet dried off
Never Calved Current cows which have never had a calving entered into MiHub
Numbered Current cows with a visual tag number
Recently Arrived Current cows who have recently moved from another MilkHub farm
Recently In Shed Current cows whose tags were read in the past week
Recently Milked Current cows who gave milk in the past week (from sensor data)
UnNumbered Current cows with no visual tag number

Click here to see more on Cow Groups

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