Current MilkHub Cow Alert Codes

Note: these Alert Codes may be subject to change in the future.

A - On Heat
B - Recently Calved
C - Non-Cycling
D - General Draft
F - Check Foot
H - High Yield
M - Check Mastitis
P - Pregnancy Test
R - Return to Milkers Check
S - Low Weight
T - Treatment Reminder
W - Milk Withholding
V - Meat Withholding
X - Cull
Y - Low Yield
Z - Dry Off
3 - 3 Quarters

Recommended procedure when Alert Code is shown:

A - On Heat
If on-heat, draft:
• Pullcord
• Keypad
Bring back on platform for insemination

B - Recently Calved
Visual check for return to the milking mob. eg:
• Mastitis
• Retained Placenta
• Animal Health
If Clear, draft into main milking mob:
• Pullcord
• Keypad

C - Non-Cycling
Auto draft or draft:
• Pullcord
• Keypad
Inspect after milking. eg:
• Condition Score
• Animal Health
• Missing Heat
• Vet Check
• Stress

D - General Draft
• Pullcord
• Keypad
Check based on reason for drafting

F - Check Foot
Visual check on platform. Eg:
• Infection
• Lameness
• Bruising
If sick, draft
• Pullcord
• Keypad

H - High Yield
Draft for preferential feeding
• Pullcord
• Keypad
• Autodraft

M - Check Mastitis
Manually check. Eg:
• Stripping
• Paddle Test
• Hand Held
• Conductivity
If sick, draft
• Pullcord
• Keypad
Return to platform for treatment

P - Pregnancy Test
Record pregnancy results
• Scan and record days in calf, or empty

R - Return to Milkers Check
Check if clear of withholding period

S - Low Weight
Visual check on platform. Eg:
• Lame
• Condition Score
• Mastitis
If sick, draft for treatment
If low condition, draft for:
• Extra Feeding

T - Treatment Reminder
Repeat treatment, call up details
If repeat required, administer and enter treatment
• Keypad

W - Milk Withholding
Ensure milk is diverted
Draft to hospital herd
• Pullcord
• Keypad

V - Meat Withholding
Ensure cow is not sold during meat withholding

X - Cull
• Pullcord
• Keypad
• Stock Truck
Check Meat Withholding time

Y - Low Yield
Visual check on platform. eg:
• Lame
• Condition Score
• Mastitis
If sick, draft for treatment
If low condition, draft for
• Extra Feeding

Z - Dry Off
• Pullcord
• Keypad
Bring back on platform for drying off. Eg:
• Dry Cow Treatment
• Teat Seal
• Culling

3 - 3 Quarters
Check for bad quarter
• Do not cup bad quarter

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