Finding Current Duplicates and Drafting them

This tutorial shows how to find the two '129' VID's that are still going through the shed and how to draft them out to manually tell which is which, then update one with the correct details.


1. Go to Enter Data > Tagging Worksheet.
2. Click on the View Duplicates in Scratchpad button.
3. Go to Add/Remove Columns and down to Tracking.
4. Turn on Date Last Seen (for those with in-shed EID readers), or turn on Gate Last Seen (for those with a drafting only solution).
5. Click Apply.
6. Setup an in-shed draft for any current cows going through the shed.

To Setup an In-Shed alert or draft see this tutorial: Setting up Alerts and Drafts.
To update a cows VID follow this tutorial: Updating VID's using miHub.

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